Production: TABACO.
Producer: Michel de Larroque
Discographic: Vanana Records
Video Clip director: Alberto de Santos
Script: Pita Sagra

Art team: Celia Gorostizu, Raquel Oliviera and María Melero.
Costume designer: Cris Dorado
Costume assistant: Ana Corru
Makeup and hairdressing: Celia Bañares and Raul Cordero

Art direction for the video clip of the song Chico Pum by GINEBRAS. In the design we seek to represent through different color ranges in the spaces in which each one of them appears. The choice of elements, backgrounds and colors create monochrome scenes that alternate to join in a complete range of tones only when they all share the scene.

We had the opportunity to design each space, graphic design, props etc Spaces that include a basketball game court, a high school hall, a bedroom, a school, a living room, a bowling alley, a park, an ice cream parlor, the exterior of a house and a prom-style end-of-course party where the denouement of the story happens.


Address: Calle Silva, 21 (Madrid, Spain)

Phone number: +34 686 31 82 45


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