Premiere at the Soho Caixabank Theatre in Málaga. April 27, 2023.

-Set designer: Jose Novoa.


– Director: Lluís Homar.

– Voice: Vicente Fuentes.

– Set designer: Jose Novoa

– Lighting designer: Pilar Valdelvira.

-Costume designer: Deborah Macías

-Musical composition: Marc Servera

– Director’s assistant: Vanessa Espín.

-Co director: Óscar Valsecchi

-Lighting designer assistant: Juanan Morales

-Costume designer assistant: Almudena Bautista


Pictures by Sergio Parra.



Íñigo Arricibita

Xavi Caudevilla

Montse Diez

Cristina García

Ania Hernández

Nora Hernández

Antonio Hernández Fimia

Lluís Homar

Pascual Laborda

Cristina Marín-Miró

Felipe Muñoz

Miriam Queba

María Rasco

Marc Servera



The romantic comedy of entanglements reaches one of its culminating points in the work of Lope de Vega when in 1604 he wrote La discreta enamorada

Lope’s ability to draw characters of enormous depth without ever losing control of the stage situation, to describe a world full of equivocal appearances, or to question the rigidity of the moral and social norms of his time, will reach one in this hilarious comedy. of the peak moments of the theater of the Golden Age.
Lope was an enormous comediographer at the service of describing love. The women in love with him not only exhibit their right to freely live their passions, fighting to be who they want to be and love who they want to love; not only do they seduce us with their intelligence, tenderness and tenacity, but they are also a plea to individual freedom as a superior tool for the construction of identity at a time when the formation of the self is beginning to be essential.

The Discreet Lover, by Lope, treasures verses of enormous beauty that will be used by a new promotion of the Young National Classical Theater Company to perform in public.


Dirección: Calle Silva, 21 (Madrid, España)

Teléfono: +34 686 31 82 45



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