Premiere at Teatro La Cartuja in Seville. January 21, 2023.


Carlos- Director: Carlos Saura.

– Cast: India Martínez, Alberto Amarilla, Saturna Barrio y Antonio Bejarano.

– Adaptation and Assistant Director: Natalio Grueso

– Set designer: Carlos Saura and Isi Ponce.

-Lighting design: Dan Tiberiu Gruia

-Costume Design: Almudena Ruiz Ara.

-Video design: Ángela Ugalde Monterrey

-Sounds design: Enrique Rincón.

-Production and Management: Santiago Martínez Ayala

-Coach: Mónica Vic


-Production: Triana Cortés

-Distribution/Press: María Álvarez

-Communication Director: Cristina Fernández

-Social media María Elosúa.

-Executive production: María José Miñano. OKAPI PRODUCTIONS.

– Construction of scenery: Mambo decorados.


Pictures by Javier Naval.



Based on the figure of Federico García Lorca, Carlos Saura creates a theatrical show that includes all the artistic disciplines that he has cultivated throughout his long career: music, photography, painting, dance and cinema. The singer India Martínez, an artist with a great artistic career consolidated and recognized nationally and internationally and winner of the Goya Award for Best Original Song in 2015, makes her debut as an actress in this great global show in which she will interpret and sing, accompanied on stage by others actors and musicians. Saura has wanted, exceptionally, to be a woman who interprets the role of the poet, since her message is universal and timeless.
The actors will recreate Lorca’s life on stage, from his birth in the vega of Granada, through his stay in the student residence, his trips to New York, Cuba and Argentina, the creation of the Barraca, until the final outcome of his execution in the Civil War.


Dirección: Calle Silva, 21 (Madrid, España)

Teléfono: +34 686 31 82 45

E-mail: isilpp@icloud.com


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