Premiere at Teatro de La Latina. March 17, 2022.

– Set designer: Ana Garay.


– Director: Juan Echanove.

– Cast: Juan Echanove, Lucía Quintana, Ángel Burgos, Gabriel Garbisu, David Pinilla, Eugenio Villota y Nicolás Illoro.

– Adaptation: Bernardo Sánchez.

– Set and costume designer: Ana Garay.

– Lighting designer: Carlos Torrijos.

– Video designer: Bruno Praena.

– Makeup and hairdressing: Chema Noci

-Executive production: Jose Velasco, Natalio Grueso y Roberto Álvarez. OKAPI PRODUCCIONES.

– Production director: Triana Cortés

– Sound designer: Natalia Moreno.

– Production and councillor: Carmen Macua

– Technical chief: José Gallego.

– Machinist: Ignacio Giménez.

– Costume assitants: Ana Belén Cortés y Marco Hernández.

– Construction of scenery and paint: Mambo decorados y Sfumatto.

– Music designer: Jose Recacha.


Pictures by Sergio Parra.



Warsaw, August 1939. The Tura couple’s theater company settles in a theater to rehearse Gestapo!, a play that satirises the global threat posed by Hitler and Nazism. At the same time, they represent Hamlet, whose verse “to be or not to be” will be the key to an extramarital affair. But the problems will multiply in all orders: the Polish authorities prohibit the brand new Gestapo! To avoid retaliation from Hitler; which will not prevent Germany from invading Poland. With the theater half-destroyed by the bombing as the center of operations, the actors of the Company will have to devise a double theatrical plot, of cloakroom and impersonation, to deactivate the delivery of a document that would end the Resistance and to flee from Poland to England, Shakespeare land. This supposes that they are the ones who, in an interpretative display, pose as Nazis. In the midst of this vicissitude, the Turas will have to solve the irruption in their marriage of a young R.A.F. aviator, who has turned their married life into a vaudeville: even more theater.


Dirección: Calle Silva, 21 (Madrid, España)

Teléfono: +34 686 31 82 45



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