Traveling around Spain from June 10, 2022.


– Props department of the Teatro Real de Madrid.
– Scenography construction: Odeón Decorados Workshop.




On June 10, the soprano Carmen Mateo and the baritone Javier Agudo, accompanied on piano by Cristina Sanz and Eva Pavón, will perform at the Teatro Real’s Traveling Theater, which will be located in the Plaza de Colón in Valladolid. They will perform a very attractive, popular and varied program, conceived for the occasion, which includes well-known arias and duets by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Amilcare Ponchielli, Giacomo Puccini and zarzuela fragments by Manuel Penella Moreno, Pablo Sorozábal and Ruperto Chapi.
This international project, with a pedagogical and inclusive vocation, aims to complement the academic training acquired by young singers in their study centers, offering them workshops, master classes, debates and different transversal activities that enrich their artistic and human development to face a professional career of great demand, public exposure and competition. But perhaps the most important and stimulating dimension of the project is the creation of real opportunities for the young participants to start their professional career, with performances in different initiatives of the Teatro Real, such as the performances in its Carroza planned for all of Spain.
This live stage, with the capacity to bring shows and concerts of different formats to the entire Spanish peninsular territory, is one of the initiatives framed in the ‘Teatro Real – Cerca de Ti’ program with ENDESA.


Dirección: Calle Silva, 21 (Madrid, España)

Teléfono: +34 686 31 82 45

E-mail: isilpp@icloud.com


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