This research work analyzes the use of architecture in such an iconic film as Clockwork Orange of the year 1971.

We see how the architecture in this film by Stanley Kubrick plays a precise role in characterizing the film, especially in the Skybreak house: its character runs parallel to the drama of the film and acquires a central dimension that makes it one of the highlighted protagonists.

The character and perception that we have of the space of this house (being exactly the same) changes radically in the eyes of the viewer through the plot through which its inhabitants pass. It is noted that the space in the cinema is, almost always, the result of the fusion of areas shot in the most absolute spatial and temporal discontinuity, but that, thanks to the staging and the assembly, are erected in a credible construction to eyes of the spectator.

It also highlights the comparison of the conception of space and its use between the original project of the team that composed the British study Team 4 and the one that the film director Stanley Kubrick wants to give him in the film. As well as the architectural vision that Stanley Kubrick had to capture on the big screen the Anthony Burguess novel of 1962, and how the house continues to transmit today a great sensation of modernity.

‘Final degree thesis’ (ETSAM, Madrid).
Professor: David Rivera
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